深圳市一浩化工有限公司 深圳市一浩化工有限公司(华南城销售部)位于深圳市龙岗区平湖镇华南国际工业原料城P16栋125号。主要经销代理国内外知名品牌的化工原料。 大陆地区独家代理德国佳诺牌(Kanon)各种涂料、油墨助剂; 加拿大NORDES各种防腐、防霉剂华南地区代理; 美国车马牌硼酸特约经销商; 另批发:天工牌氢氧化钠,优利德牌氢氧化钾、碳酸钾,等国内外知名品牌的化工原料。 Shenzhen Yihao chemical Co., Ltd. (China South City) , locate in No.125, P16 building, China South City, Pinghu town, Longgang district, Shenzhen. Main distribution agent domestic and international famous brands of chemical raw materials. Mainland area sole agency is Kanon (German) brand of coatings, printing ink additives, Canada NORDES various anti-corrosion, fungicide region south agent, America Optibor brand boric acid franchised dealer, Wholesale: Tiangong brand's brand Sodium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide, Potash, and other well-known brands of chemical raw materials. 深圳市一浩化工有限公司(华南城销售部)主要批发以下系列产品: 佳诺牌涂料助剂:消泡剂,防腐剂,增稠剂,流平剂,分散剂等。 无 机碱:氢氧化钠/片碱/烧碱、氨水、氢氧化钾等; 无 机酸:工业盐酸、硝酸、磷酸、氢氟酸等; 试 剂:硝酸试剂、盐酸试剂、无水乙醇等(GR、AR、CP级)、氨水试剂、磷酸三丁酯试剂等; 碳酸 盐:碳酸钠、碳酸钾等; 污水处理原料:聚合氯化铝、聚丙烯酰胺等; 诚信创造价值! Shenzhen Yihao chemical Co., Ltd. (China South City), main wholesale city sales below series products: Kanon brand additives: defoaming agent and antiseptic, thickener, flow ping agent, dispersant, etc; Caustic soda, Ammonia, Potassium hydroxide, Industrial hydrochloric acid, Phosphoric acid, Nitric acid as Hydrofluoric acid, Sodium carbonate, Ptash, PAC, PAM etc; All kinds of reagents (GR, AR, CP); Honesty create value!
- 所在地区:广东省深圳市龙岗区
- 行业分类:化学原料及化学制品制造业
- 地址:广东省 深圳市 龙岗区 中国广东深圳深圳市龙岗区平湖华南城P16-125
- 邮编:518116